copper plate

英 美
  • n. 铜板
  • cop n.纺锤状线团、管纱;警察vt.抓住、发现(某人)在干坏事;获得(某事物)、遭受;握住(某物)
  • cop a heel v.逃跑;越狱
  • cop out 逃避(责任)
  • cop shop ph.【口】警察所;n
  • cop-out n.逃避;自首
名词 copperplate:
  1. a graceful style of handwriting based on the writing used on copperplate engravings

  2. a print made from an engraved copperplate

  3. an engraving consisting of a smooth plate of copper that has been etched or engraved

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Sheet metal shears for cutting the copper sheet.
    2. It can process the copper,aluminum,cold rolled steel and stainless Steel coil.

copper plate的相关资料: